Howling Dog Enrichment Program

*Schedule will differ for each dog
Drop Off Period
Socialization Hour
Activity Block #1
Calm Resting Hour
Activity Block #2
Quiet Time
Pick Up; Socialization & Rest
7:00 AM - 9:00AM
9:00AM - 10:00AM
10:00AM - 11:30AM
11:30AM - 12:30PM
12:30PM - 2:15PM
2:15PM - 3:00PM
3:00PM +
Activity Block Examples
Sensory Activities
Nose Work - playing scent games to find, scratch, chew, to stimulate natural behaviors
Environment Experience - familiarizing with new stimuli such as smells, sounds, toys, textures, etc.
Physical Activities
Agility and Balance Training - Building strength and fitness using balance equipment and training platforms
Obstacle training - Maneuvering around, over, and under obstacles to reach a goal
Cognitive Activities
Critical Thinking Toys - using different types of toys to stimulate the brain and build critical thinking skills
Leadership Training - learning commands, recall work, group sits, and leadership games

Target Students
Puppies that need a safe environment for socialization and basic obedience
Any dogs that lack socialization, not just with other dogs but with people, environment, and other stimuli
Dogs that are shy and less confident
Dogs that spend much of their daytime alone at home
High energy dogs that need an outlet to get better rest at home
Any dogs that want an enriched lifestyle!